Search: -12, Intranet, 2022
Professional Library
The Professional Library is OPEN! Teachers can come by Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00-5:00 p.m.
The Professional Library at the Serna Center has just what you need! The contemporary collection includes over 25,000 titles and books aligned to California and SCUSD adopted curriculum.
Teachers can check out up to 30 books for 30 days.
You can search the entire collection from your school or home.
Infinite Campus Staff Documents
Reference Documents
- Middle School Courses Awarding High School Credit
- CALPADS Enrollment End Status Codes and description
- California State Race Codes
- Federal Ethnicity Codes
- New Grade Levels for 2022-2023
- Field Trip
- Home Primary Language Codes
- How To Generate Student Login Letters Using Infinite Campus
- Quick Reference Guide for Office Staff
- CALPADS End Status Codes and Descriptions
- Creating a Perfect Attendance Report Step-by-Step
- Parent Portal Office Procedures for Issuing Parent GUID Number
- Infinite Campus Discipline Entry Process
- Behavior Entry for CALPADS Student Discipline
- Current Year End Clean Up Instructions
- Previous Enrollment Clean Up Instructions
- Creating Households with Census Wizard
- Creating CRC Labels Step-By-Step v2.0
- CRC Template
- Ordering Cumulative Folder and Label Supplies
- Health Folder Labels - Instructions
- Health Folder Labels - Word Template
- Verification of Enrollment of Course-Section Counts
- Concap Students - Instructions
- EnrollmentProcedures_2021-22
- NoShowDisEnrollmentProcedures._2022-23
- DisenrollmentProcedures_2022-23
- Setting up ES Grade Book Step-by-Step
- Creating Progress Notices in Infinite Campus
- How to Sent Messages to Your Staff
- How to Print Labels
- Moving Teachers to a New Course
- Elementary Scheduling (2022-2023)
- Using Roster Copy to Schedule Elementary Students V2
- MS/K8/HS Due Dates for Report Cards 2022-2023
- Elementary Due Dates for Report Cards 2022-2023
- Missing Demographic Data Clean Up Instructions
- Pupil Progress Reporting Calendar 2022-2023
- RetentionStudents Instructions 2022-2023
- Parent Instructions for Campus Parent Account Creation
- Independent Study Procedures 2022-2023
- MS/K8/HS Due Dates for Report Cards 2023-2024
- Pupil Progress Reporting Calendar 2023-2024
- Elementary Due Dates for Report Cards 2023-2024
- Read more
Monthly Close Out Of Attendance Calendar and Reminders
All Grades
Please see the attached bulletin for the monthly close out for attendance reporting due dates. Please make sure to share with your staff who does the attendance reporting if it is not you.
Health Services Update – Food Allergies & SCUSD Wellness Policy Requirements
All Grades
At SCUSD we work hard to ensure that students’ minds and bodies are ready for learning each day. In addition to the hard work our staff and parents/guardians do every day to prepare students for success in the classroom, we must also provide healthy food and beverages and physical activity, leading them to lifelong success.
In compliance with the District Wellness Policy:
Elementary and Secondary School Calendar Summary 2022-2023
All Grades
Please see the 2022-2023 Calendar Summaries.
Parent Back-to-School Central Communication #1
All Grades
Good afternoon, site leaders!
Please see below for the parent-facing back-to-school communication that is being sent by text and email to all families in our district this afternoon.
In addition, here are some notes about forthcoming back-to-school communications: