Search: -12, Intranet, 2022

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Professional Library

The Professional Library is OPEN! Teachers can come by Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00-5:00 p.m.

The Professional Library at the Serna Center has just what you need! The contemporary collection includes over 25,000 titles and books aligned to California and SCUSD adopted curriculum.

Teachers can check out up to 30 books for 30 days.

You can search the entire collection from your school or home.


Infinite Campus Staff Documents

Principal Bulletin Informational

Health Services Update – Food Allergies & SCUSD Wellness Policy Requirements
All Grades

At SCUSD we work hard to ensure that students’ minds and bodies are ready for learning each day. In addition to the hard work our staff and parents/guardians do every day to prepare students for success in the classroom, we must also provide healthy food and beverages and physical activity, leading them to lifelong success.

In compliance with the District Wellness Policy:

Principal Bulletin Informational

Parent Back-to-School Central Communication #1
All Grades

Good afternoon, site leaders!

Please see below for the parent-facing back-to-school communication that is being sent by text and email to all families in our district this afternoon.

In addition, here are some notes about forthcoming back-to-school communications: