Search: -02, 2020
Middle School Academic Services
Advanced Classes
To provide equitable access to advanced courses, each spring, SCUSD universally screens 6th grade students for advanced course placement in middle school. Advanced courses are available in math, science, language arts and history/social studies starting in 7th grade. All students have the opportunity to qualify for any or all advanced courses, through district-wide placement criteria.
Phase Two: Distance Learning and Accessibility Tools and Supports
Two self-paced online learning modules on how to instruct using distance learning and accessibility tools for students with disabilities.
Phase Three: Priority Standards for the 2020-2021 School Year
The district has updated scope and sequence documents in math and ELA by grade level/math course for the 2020-2021 school year. These documents outline the required sequence for teachers to follow in each grade level, are focused on priority standards and provide excellent guidance for teachers.
Flyer Distribution Process for Schools
The SCUSD Communications Office must approve all flyers for school distribution. Please email the flyer to for review.
Flyer Approval Process
Flyers will be reviewed in 5-10 business days of submission. Flyers that are approved will be given a permit number and disclaimer that must be included on the front of the paper flyer or on the digital image if requesting for it to be posted electronically.