Upcoming Attendance and Engagement Virtual Workshops
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Informational

Dear Principals,

Please join the Attendance & Engagement Office and SCOE for a facilitated by experts, like Dora Dome from Dora Dome Law and Cecelia Leong from Attendance Works.  These zoom sessions will focus on proven strategies around various topics like Restorative Practices and Early Learners (before attendance is compulsory) to support attendance and engagement.  The timing of these informative and vital webinars is crucial as in December our attendance rate fell to 87.3%  for the month and our district’s chronic absence rate reached 32.8% for the year.  That means nearly 12,000 students were chronically absent and had already missed nearly 10 days of learning.

The series is open to all staff: office staff, teachers, administrators, campus monitors, etc,. and a great way to bring focus to your goals around attendance and engagement.  Please, pass this information along to anyone with an interest on how to improve attendance outcomes for your students.

Please visit our website for resources: