Search: -0819, Risk Management Documents
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides virtual, telephonic and in-person counseling. Work and life services: financial, legal, identity theft, health modules, and more. These services are available to all employees, including any person living in the same household. We have switched our EAP provider. Effective 7/1/23 MHN no longer services the District’s EAP program. The new provider is now Optum. Please follow these steps to initiate your EAP services.
Incident or Student Accident Report Form (Computer Enter)
Use this universal form when reporting an incident or student injury. Reminder: this is confidential SCUSD information and cannot be released to parent or other party. Please call Risk Management if you have any questions at 643-9421.
ADA Accommodation Process
Please contact Disability Management for assistance with request for accommodation as outlined in the American’s With Disability Act.
Helpful forms: