Search: -0601, District Wellness Committee, 2013
District Wellness Committee & Policy
For the first time in two centuries, the current generation of children in America are on trend to have shorter life expectancy than their parents. Only 4% ofAmerican children eat their recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Overconsumption of sugar and junk food have impacted health outcomes for ourstudents. Diet related diseases like Type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease are preventable when children regularly eat a healthy diet. Adopting these healthy behaviors is easier during childhood and adolescence, compared to changing unhealthy behaviors during adulthood.
Dairy Council of California
Wellness promotion services offered and target participants: All resources and curriculum are provided FREE in California to all schools and health professionals. Our curriculum and resources promote all five food groups, the importance of breakfast, and encourage physical activity. Worksite wellness toolkit, Parent Education toolkit, K-12 grade nutrition education curriculum (aligned to Common Core State Standards), Adult nutrition education booklets, various nutrition education tip sheets for children and adults, and online interactive health education tools.
Implementing the local school wellness policy
Easy steps for your school site
To achieve the goals of school health and maximize effectiveness and efficiency, schools should carry out the following eight strategies to implement a coordinated approach to improve school health policies and programs.
Secure and maintain administrative support and commitment.