Search: -0524, Home, 10/2021
CKM LPPA Specialty Program Information Session
@ Zoom
Prospective students and parents please join us for a virtual information session about the LPPA program at C.K. McClatchy.
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 860 9465 4942
Passcode: LPPA
CKM Criminal Justice Academy Specialty Program Information Session
@ Zoom
Prospective students and parents please join us for a virtual information session about the Criminal Justice Academy at C.K. McClatchy.
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 882 5483 0138
Passcode: 022884
CKM AFROTC Specialty Program Information Session
@ Zoom
Prospective students and parents please join us for a virtual information session about AFROTC at C.K. McClatchy.
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 810 7002 9066
Passcode: AFJROTC
Will C. Wood Middle School Principal Search Community Meeting and Feedback Survey
@ Zoom
Community input is critical in helping us find our next Will C. Wood Middle School principal. The search process for the new principal has begun as the principal position has been posted and we are now seeking your input to help us identify characteristics you would like to see in the school’s next principal. We will use the information gathered to craft interview questions and help guide the hiring process.