Search: -03, Intranet, 08/2017

Results 1 - 10 of 14



Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment (SBAC) Test Information for Families

At the end of the last school year, your student took a computer-based test called the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment (SBAC). This year-end test is part of the California assessment system and is aligned with California鈥檚 academic standards, which are the things we want students to know and be able to do. The goal of the standards is to have students graduate ready for college and a career.

Intranet Test


Here is content that calls for action for a special purpose. It has way more content then the previous ones and will push the limits of the design.


Accordions, Tabs, & Tables

Display settings help you display content differently. You can set special display features in teasers and on full post views by selecting the appropriate settings in the Display Settings in the post editor. You can even override the normal 鈥淩ead more鈥 to display something more descriptive.

Teaser Accordion

Adding teaser and tab behavior for H3s and H4s is a new feature on the CMS!

Post Types


In the most basic explanation, post types are a way to categorize content on your site. Using post types correctly can help with the following:

Subterm #1


Here is the Overview of the first subterm. When you click on the title or the 鈥渞ead more,鈥 you will be directed to the subterm itself, just as you would if you clicked on Subterm #1 in the left hand navigation menu.