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Elementary and K-8 Schools Information and Visitation Events
for the 2024-2025 School Year

Click on the particular school below to learn more about their events. 

A.M. Winn Public Waldorf TK-8

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4505 for information. 

Abraham Lincoln Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4500 for information. 

Alice Birney Public Waldorf TK-8

Prospective Parent Visitation Day

Call the school office at 916-395-4510 for more information.

Bret Harte Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-5190 for more information. 

Bowing Green Chacon Language & Science Academy

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-5215 for more information.

Bowling Green McCoy Academy

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-5210 for more information. 

Caleb Greenwood IB World School

Please contact the school directly at (916) 395-4515 for more information. 

Camellia Basic Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4520 for information.

Cesar Chavez Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4530 for information.

Crocker/Riverside Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4535 for more information. 

David Lubin Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4540 for more information.

Earl Warren Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4545 for more information. 

Edward Kemble Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4550 for more information. 

Elder Creek Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4555 for more information. 

Ethel I. Baker Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4560 for more information. 

Ethel Phillips Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4565 for more information. 

Fr. Keith B. Kenny Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4570 for more information.

Genevieve Didion TK-8

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4575 for more information.

Golden Empire Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4580 for more information. 

H.W. Harkness Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4585 for more information. 

Hollywood Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4590 for more information. 

Hubert Bancroft Elementary 

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4595 for more information. 

Isador Cohen Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4600 for more information. 

James Marshall Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4605 for information. 

John Bidwell Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4610 for more information. 

John Cabrillo Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4615 for more information.

John Sloat Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4620 for more information. 

John Still K-8

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4625 or (916) 395-5335 for more information. 

Leataata Floyd Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4630 for more information. 

Leonardo da Vinci TK-8

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4635 for information. 

Mark Twain Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4640 for more information. 

Martin L. King, Jr. K-8

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4645 for more information. 

Matsuyama Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4650 for more information. 

New Joseph Bonnheim Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-5240 for more information.

Nicholas Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4655 for more information. 

O.W. Erlewine Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4660 for information. 

Oak Ridge Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4665 for more information. 

Pacific Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4670 for more information.

Parkway Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4675 for more information.

Phoebe Hearst Elementary

Please contact the school directly at (916) 395-4685 for more information. 

School Tours

Please for the tours. 

Pony Express Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4690 for more information. 

Rosa Parks K-8

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-5327 for more information.

Sequoia Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4695 for more information. 

Susan B. Anthony Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4710 for more information. 

Sutterville Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4730 for more information. 

TK & Kinder Tours

Suy:u Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4680 for more information. 

Tahoe Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4750 for more information.

School Tours

Theodore Judah Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4790 for more information.

Washington Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4760 for more information. 

William Land Elementary

School Tours

2025-2026 Incoming TK Parent Meeting

2025-2026 Kinder Parent Meeting

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4890 for information. 

Woodbine Elementary

Please call the school directly at (916) 395-4910 for more information.

Blog entry By Katie Burns, Community Schools Specialist

PTA/PTO Information Meetings

Calling all John Still TK-8 families! We are exploring the possibility of creating a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) or a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at our school to support fundraising efforts, school activities, and strengthen our community. But what’s the difference between the two?


Contact Your School’s Student Support Center!
A list of SCUSD Schools with onsite Student Support Centers

Click on the person’s name to send an email.  All phone numbers listed below are mobile phone numbers, and may receive both calls and text messages.

If your school is not listed below contact (916)643-2354, or .  

Director, Student Support
Elizabeth Sterba: (916)826-3050

A.M. Winn Elementary School
Kat Zolnikov: (916)595-4476

Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
Sara Martinez: (916)603-4597
Amber Henrichs: (916)826-3591

Albert Einstein Middle School
Shardon Perryman: (916)507-3179
Kelly Salina: (916)507-3195
Matthew Peterson: Coming Soon!
Tabitha Watts-Booker: Coming Soon!

Alice Birney K-8 School
: (916)643-2354

American Legion High School
Anna Tyulyu: (916)826-2511

Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School
Maria Lopez: (916)826-3501

Bowling Green Chacón Elementary School
Alma Lopez: (916)908-8729

Bowling Green McCoy Elementary School
Laura Magaña: (916)825-9948

Bret Harte Elementary School
Yisel SantaCruz: (916)320-237

C.K. McClatchy High School
Aaron Perry: (916)826-3581
Mirna Perez: (916)826-3534

Caleb Greenwood Elementary School
Sunaina Sondhi: (916)886-9743

California Middle School
Alyssa Beck: (916)743-3459
Angela Marley: (916)750-6599

Camellia Basic Elementary School
Sunaina Sondhi: (916)886-9743

Caroline Wenzel Elementary School
Keby Reese: (916)891-8228

Cesar E. Chavez Elementary School
Alex Goitein: (916)826-3862
Erin Ryan: (916)826-2980

Crocker Riverside Elementary School
Yisel Santacruz: (916)320-2379

David Lubin Elementary School
Jonathan Fatta: (916)750-6290

Earl Warren Elementary School
Evelyn Tisdell-Koroma: (916)826-3420
Benjamin Paulsen: (916)752-1985

Edward Kemble Elementary School
Alex Goitein: (916)826-3862
Erin Ryan: (916)826-2980

Elder Creek Elementary School
Tina Borgman: (916)826-3932

Ethel I. Baker Elementary School
Karen Hernandez Barajas: (916)549-9459

Ethel Phillips Elementary School
Anna Gammelgard: Coming Soon!
Laura Muñoz: (916)579-8464

Fr. Keith B. Kenny K-8 School
Danielle Martin: (916)501-8591

Fern Bacon Middle School
Courtney Poole: (916)982-9439
Jessica Gonzalez: (916)826-3694

Genevieve Didion Elementary School
Prescilla Medrano: (916)826-3521

Golden Empire Elementary School
Aarolind Hoskin: (916)603-4762

H.W. Harkness Elementary School
Keby Reese: (916)891-8228

Hiram Johnson High School
Mary Struhs: (916)826-3223
Adriana Martinez Trujillo: (916)776-3349
Amie Harp: (916)559-0645

Hollywood Park
Yisel Santacruz: (916)320-2379

Hubert Bancroft Elementary School
Amber Henrichs: (916)826-3591

Isador Cohen Elementary School
Kat Zolnikov: (916)595-4476

James Marshall Elementary School
Jessi B. Gray: (916)826-3721

John Bidwell Elementary School
Amaya Weiss: (916)826-2517
Liz Echeverria: (916)750-6472

John Cabrillo Elementary School
Elise Mejia: (916)699-4386

John F. Kennedy High School
Christina Harris: (916)559-0920
Sangita Vakis: (916)752-7530

John D. Sloat Elementary School
Amaya Weiss: (916)826-2517
Liz Echeverria: (916)750-6472

John Still K-8 School
Michelle Weaver: (916)752-3238
Jessica Gonzalez: (916)826-3694

Leataata Floyd Elementary School
Rachel Webb: (916)826-2514

Leonardo da Vinci K-8 School
Elise Mejia: (916)699-4386

Luther Burbank High School
Josephine Pugh: (916)826-3823
Natali Perez: (916)826-2686
Kylee Gumns: (916)477-7866

Mark Twain Elementary School
Patricia Bernal: (916)796-8797

Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School
Elisa Olmo: (916)826-4115

Matsuyama Elementary School
Prescilla Medrano: (916)826-3521

Miwok Middle School
Alyssa Beck: (916)743-3459
Becky Stroble: (916)603-4645

Nicholas Elementary School
Jessica Kurtz: (916)526-5491

Oak Ridge Elementary School
Coming Soon!
Danielle Martin: (916)501-8591

O.W. Erlewine Elementary School
Sunaina Sondhi: (916)886-9743

Pacific Elementary School 
Coming Soon
Aarolind Hoskin: (916)603-4762

Parkway Elementary School
Keanu Williams: (916)750-6447
Mónica Castañeda-Chavez: (916)398-8767

Phoebe Hearst Elementary School
Prescilla Medrano: (916)826-3521

Pony Express Elementary School
: (916)643-2354

Rosa Parks K-8 School
Sheridan O’Neal: (916)752-3222
Kelly Salina: (916)507-3195
Jasmyn Washington: (916)776-7264
Kelley Yang: Coming Soon!

Rosemont High School
Sara Morgan: (916)559-0974
Heather Isakson: (916)826-3816

Sam Brannan Middle School
Prescilla Medrano: (916)826-3521

School of Engineering & Sciences
Elisa Olmo: (916)826-4115

Sequoia Elementary School
Jessi B. Gray: (916)826-3721

Success Academy
Teresa Cruz: (916)477-9395

Susan B. Anthony Elementary School
Keby Reese: (916)891-8228

Sutterville Elementary School
Yisel Santacruz: (916)320-2379

Suy:u Elementary School
Vanessa Petty: (916)931-8931

Tahoe Elementary School
Mónica Castañeda-Chavez: (916)398-8767

The Met High School
Maria Lopez: (916)826-3501

Theodore Judah Elementary School
Sunaina Sondhi: (916)886-9743

Umoja International Academy
Jonathan Fatta: (916)750-6290

Washington Elementary School
Benjamin Paulsen: (916)752-1985

West Campus High School
Patricia Bernal: (916)796-8797

Will C. Wood Middle School
Marisol Ruiz: (916)826-3332 
Celia Del Toro Vargas: (916)826-3914

William Land Elementary School
Laura Muñoz: (916)579-8464

Woodbine Elementary School
Emily Herr: (916)826-3734