Bond Oversight Committee (Q&R)

Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Measures Q & R


The Â鶹ÊÓƵ City Unified School District’s (SCUSD) Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is an oversight body to the District on matters related to the Measures Q & R construction bond program implementation as required by California’s , which mandates that citizen advisory panels be established to assure accountability for the use of public funds.

The Committee’s three key  are to:

  • Inform the public on the District’s expenditures of bond proceeds.
  • Review expenditures to assure that proceeds are being spent for projects approved and outlined within the proposition(s).
  • Produce and present an annual report to summarize the Committee’s proceedings and activities within the prior year.

The members of the SCUSD Bond Oversight Committee were approved by the Board of Education on March 21, 2013.  Prior to approval, President Jeff Cuneo and Vice President Patrick Kennedy reviewed the individual applications.  The review process took into account the skills and abilities of each applicant, the composition of the committee and the goals of the newly approved bond measures.  The objective was to establish a committee with persons who could work cooperatively and were committed to putting children first.  No single recommendation or source of information was sufficient to be selected.  After careful consideration of all applications, a list of names was submitted to the entire Board of Education.  All relevant law was followed and each member selected was eligible to serve.

Bond Information Materials

BOC Members


Measures Q and R Bond Oversight Committee

Brian Hill
Terrence Gladney
Marcia Fritz