October Blog Community Schools @HJHS

Blog entry By Susan Rubert

I want to take this month to introduce myself to the Community School circle as well as the Hiram Johnson High School Community.  I have been a staff member at Hiram Johnson since 2011 and can’t imagine working anywhere else.  I have spent most of my time as a Science Teacher and in a leadership role within our Health Academy.

In transitioning to my new role as the Community School Specialist I have had to let go of teaching science and handed off leadership for the Health Academy to a fellow teacher.  I still love these programs and support them but now I get to advocate and help build systems for all of our students and I am so excited for that work!

I spent more of the last 13 years on our School Site Council than not and have really valued the conversations and voice of our parent and community members.  I hope to grow the spaces our parents and community can share their voices in and hope to lift those voices up in the months and years to come.

We serve a very diverse student body at Hiram Johnson and while I have gotten to know many very well in my time here, I know there are parts of our community that I have only scratched the surface in meeting.

I look forward to hearing from our community and being given tasks and goals that I can work towards in making our families and students feel welcome, heard and excited to be on campus, please reach out Susan-Rubert@scusd.edu.